Spanish speaking English
I had a lovely conversation yesterday with a couple of Spanish friends, both mature in age. The first said "I know English!" (in Spanish of course) ..."owar" was the next word to come out of her mouth. "I know that one!" stated my other friend..."owar yoo" came the reply! I was creased up laughing. Its not the first time the Spanish have left me in stiches with their attempts at the English language, its great. I remember when I lived in a village, the first year of my moving to Valencia. Now in the villages they speak a very closed Valencian and I found it very hard to understand, but they were always very keen to show off the few words of English that they knew.
I remember one particular conversation between 2 neighbours trying to out do each other with their vocabulary, the conversation went a bit like this...
1st neighbour "hello"
2nd neighbour "goodbye"
me "hahaha"
1st "nor, eat, sow, wet" complete with arm movements pointing in the correct directions.
2nd "muza, faza" (mother father)
me "hahahahahahaha"
and so it went on, can´t remember much more but it was hilarious. Do you have any funny conversations that you remember? Would love to hear about them here...