Saturday 13 November 2010

Christmas in valencia, spain

Its Saturday 13th november, I am sat on the beach of valencia at midday and the temperature is showing 25degrees. Now this might not be the "norm" for this time of year when we would probably expect to be a little under the 20's, but the spanish certainly make the most of this beautiful weather. The terraces are full (yes there are still terraces on the beach of valencia despite all the uproar and hooha!), the promenade is full of couples and families out for a stroll, the beach itself has sunbathers and even a couple swimming and as always along the waterline you have your fitness enthusiasts jogging and power walking from one end to the other.

So how is it going to be at christmas in valencia? Well if this weather continues then it puts me in mind of my first 2 christmas's I spent here...
The first I shared with friends, we were at a villa in the mountainside of a village on the outskirts of valencia, we spent most of the time outdoors...canoeing in the pool, lunches, bbq's, dinners next to the lit paellero (purpose built bbq for cooking paella). The night got very chilly so we wrapped up warm but next to an open fire in the open air we had a great time.

The 2nd year I had the family over, we then had an apartment by the beach, this was perfect for such active kids, they were on the beach everyday in shorts and t shirts playing cricket, football and generally having a great time, the locals were all passing by with jackets and scarves, although I think more of a fashion statement than for the cold.
Again all meals were taken in the open air on the balcony of the apartment which had lovely views over the internal marina.

I have since become very spanish and I now would probably be wearing a jacket and scarf! But if it stays like it is now, who knows I could even be tempted to wet my feet in the med!

Contact if you are interested in the villa in the mountainside or the apartment on the beach with marina views.

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