Thursday 16 September 2010

The Festivity of La Mercè

The Festivity of La Mercè: "Barcelona city will once again welcome the arrival of its great festivity. On 24 September is the Virgen de la Mercè (Virgin of the Mercè day), one of the patron saints of the city, and for nine days, Barcelona will be celebrating this event by filling its streets with activities, music, festivities and surprises to commemorate its great festivity. Every year there are activities which have become a classic during this festivity, such as the Correfoc (Fire Party), La Festa del Cel (The Sky Party) (aerobatics); the popular Marathon or the Piromusical (a show involving fireworks, music and other visual elements); an amazing firework display which is coordinated with Montjuïc’s luminous fountain. In as far as the cultural proposal, the program will once again include the traditional BAM (Barcelona Acció Musical), with the best current musical tracks, and the MAC (Mercè Street Art), to enjoy the works of international artists on the streets of Barcelona. This year, la Mercè has invited Dakar, capital of Senegal, to be its guest city. Therefore, the concerts’ program which will take place on 23, 24, 25 and 26 September, will include many African artists performing their traditional music, along with modern Hip Hop and well known DJs.


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